ELKO DAILY Mar. 7, 2019
The first Friends Day Out featuring Java Music Club is noon to 4 p.m. March 8 at the Terrace at Ruby View.
Hosted by Nevada Rural Counties RSVP program the monthly afternoon includes music, activities and other hands-on fun learning for individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia or care recipients with disabilities such as cancer, COPD, Parkinson’s or diabetes.
Offered as a break for primary caregivers, the event is hosted by volunteers trained by RSVP to facilitate classes and assist with supervision. Participants are asked to complete an RSVP client application prior to the start of the afternoon program.
For participants 60 and older, there is a suggested donation of $3.
To sign up or for questions, call Steven Nichols, RSVP program director for respite
innovations project at 775-315-7615 or email at snichols@nvrsvp.com.