Veteran's Pancake Breakfast
We held a free pancake breakfast for all veterans on Veterans Day 2021 at the Carson City Elks Lodge, and were overjoyed to host 67 veterans! All local senior Veterans were invited to join RSVP for pancakes, sausages, and beverages. Celebrity chefs Charlie Abowd, Carson City Supervisor Stan Jones, and Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong were serving pancakes. We'd like to thank Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada for being there and handing out 40 home safety kits.
Veteran's FOOd and clothing drive
On Sept. 11, 2021, RSVP invited all Carson City veterans to come by our office and pick up winter coats, hats, new shirts and socks, food and toiletries -- all donations from the Carson City community collected just for them. The items left over from the event were distributed to local organizations such as GoodWill, the Senior Center's Thrift Store and FISH. Nevada Health Centers was also outside the RSVP office on this day providing free flu and covid-19 vaccinations.